Thursday, February 19, 2015

More incredible learning at home: The Great Fire of London

I have blogged about homework before (we call it learning@home) and know that some teachers have appreciated seeing the work that we have completed and the ideas behind them. Others have debated the usefulness and impact of homework, but it is an expectation that we provide it. I have tried to make it as meaningful as possible by linking it in to the work that goes on in class. This homework activity sheet went home to all families at the beginning of January and every child bought in a piece of work before half term. Yes they varied in the amount of adult support that the child received, but I actually don't have a problem with this. In the same way that I wouldn't expect a child to bake on their own (and I understand that they can experience rich conversations and  new language whilst doing so), I feel the same about some of the models that have been created. It's clear that they haven't been achieved independently, but I imagine the quality family time that has hopefully happened. Even more important, the children are incredibly proud and very keen to show off their learning at home. We certainly celebrate their achievements in class!

A sketch of the new St Paul's

Tudor houses

Tudor houses


An incredible project about the Great Fire of London and another fantastic model of St Paul's Cathedral. 

 A church that burnt down in London

Thomas Farynor's bakery buns

We all appreciated these - they were delicious!

The bakery fire
Tudor recipe books, diaries, pictures, posters, fact sheets and top trumps cards.

Our display is growing!

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